Portland Slag Cement (PSC)
Penden Special Cement is the brand name of Portland Slag Cement (PSC) manufactured at Penden cement as per IS:455-2015, using 45-56% in-house produced high quality Portland clinker world’s purest mineral 3-5% gypsum sourced from Pemagatshel in Bhutan and Granulated Blast furnace 40-45% Slag. Granulated Slag that is abundantly available from Steel industries and containing high reactive silica when added in cement produces technically superior concrete in terms of durability, besides being environment friendly. Due to its ultimate performance properties in concrete, today Portland Slag Cement is widely used world over. Better Workability and Higher Pot Life, Higher Later Mechanical Strength, Low Heat of Hydration Cement, thus no thermal cracking due to temperature gradient Alleviates Alkali Silica Reaction in the concrete. Produces Dense Concrete as a result of secondary hydration process, which is more resistant to sulphate, chloride and Acid attacks.
Its Preferential Usages:
- Used in mass concreting works
- Marine structures
- Slag cement is cheaper than OPC
- Higher compressive and flexural Strengths
- Lower permeability
- Resistance to aggressive Chemical attacks
- More consistent plastic and hardened properties
- Lower Heat of hydration
- Better sulphate resistance